Postponement and Cancellation Guidelines

Welcome to our Postponement and Cancellation Guidelines at Charlie Lane Event Hire. We're here to provide you with a clear understanding of how we handle these situations, ensuring that your experience with us remains as flexible and stress-free as possible.

Postponement Guidelines:

  • More than 7 Days Before Hire: In the event that postponement is requested more than 7 days before the start of the Period of Hire, no charges shall apply. We will retain all monies, available for future use within a 12-month period from the original booking date. If postponement extends beyond 12 months, our Long-Term Booking policy (refer to our Terms and Conditions) applies.

  • Less than 7 Days Before Hire: Postponements requested within 7 days of the Period of Hire's commencement will be subject to a postponement fee of $150.00. This fee encompasses a spectrum of costs including administrative fees, and compensation for loss of revenue attributed to the reserved hire equipment.

  • Discretionary Waiver: We reserves the right to waive the postponement fee
    at its own discretion. This waiver may apply to situations including acts of God, natural disasters, weather, sabotage, accidents, trade or industrial disputes, terrorism or hostilities, and government-imposed shutdowns.


Cancellation Guidelines:

  • More than 7 Days Before Hire: In the event of a cancellation communicated with more than 7 days before the start of the Period of Hire, the 25% deposit shall be retained by us. Any additional balance that has been settled will be duly refunded.

  • Less than 7 Days Before Hire: In the case of a cancellation with less than 7 days available before the commencement of the Period of Hire, any funds paid shall be forfeited, and any outstanding balance shall become immediately payable.

  • Discretionary Waiver: Similar to the postponement guidelines,we reserve the right to waive the cancellation fee at its own discretion. This waiver may apply to circumstances such as acts of God, natural disasters, weather, sabotage, accidents, trade or industrial disputes, terrorism or hostilities, and government-imposed shutdowns.

These guidelines exist to ensure fairness and clarity for both parties involved. If you have any questions or need further information regarding our Postponement and Cancellation Guidelines, please feel free to reach out to our team. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Your event is important to us, and we're here to support you every step of the way.